About us

Since 2008, Eastwood properties, LLC is actively seeking out a variety of property types to assist sellers with financing options and to add key properties to our investment portfolio. Eastwood Investment Properties provides peace of mind by easing your move and providing you with the best possible offer for your property. We take houses and apartments in as-is condition, in as little as 5 days. No Commission. And we work on your timeline. Our commitment to you is to provide the best possible offer for your house. Why Accept Less?
  • Zero Fees.
  • Fast Closing.
  • Properties accepted as-in.
  • No inspection, repairs or cleaning required.

Did you know on a traditional average home sale, the seller loses over $36,000 dollars in sales commissions and closing fees? A buyer’s inspection can lead to additional credit requests or repairs costing thousands more.

What would you do with an extra $36,000?

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